MRO SHARAD Geographic, Geometric, and Ionospheric Properties (USGEOM and USGEOM V2)

USGEOM – Geographic, geometric, and ionospheric properties

Instrument: Shallow Radar


For more information about SHARAD U.S. RDR products, see the Radargram Processing Document.

The Shallow Radar (SHARAD) Geographic, geometric, and ionospheric properties (USGEOM) data file accompanies each U.S. Reduced Data Record of Radar backscatter power (USRDR). The ASCII-format table file contains location information for each radargram column, the spacecraft and surface radius values required to change the reference planetary shape, and the phase correction value related to the correction of ionospheric distortion and delay. The coordinate system of planetocentric, with longitude positive toward the east. Radius values tabulated in the GEOM files are interpolated using a polynomial fit between the along-track elapsed time and data from Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA). The topographic information for the polynomial fit is drawn from the MOLA 128-ppd (pixels per degree) areoid gridded database for non-polar tracks, and from the 512-ppd gridded dataset for tracks that cross the polar terrain.

USGEOM V2 products are reprocessed SHARAD radargram data are added to volume MROSH_2101.

SHARAD USGEOM and USGEOM V2 products have the following file names:

S_yyyyyyzz_GEOM.TAB (with detached PDS label)


yyyyyy = Orbit number, prefixed by zeroes to allow for 6-digit values

zz = Observation number along the orbit track, prefixed by a zero for values less than 10

In ODE, USGEOM and USGEOM V2 products have the following Product IDs: